Fuego y Hielo ♥

Unos dicen que el mundo sucumbira en el fuego, otros dicen que en hielo. Por lo que yo he probado del deseo, estoy con los que apuestan por el fuego. Pero si por dos veces el mundo pereciera creo que conozco lo bastante el odio para decir que, en cuanto a destruccion, tambien el hielo es grande y suficiente.
A medida que pasa el tiempo, te das cuenta de como van cambiando las cosas. El dia de hoy, ya no crees lo mismo que pensabas ayer. Lo que sentis hoy, es diferente a lo que sentiste tiempo atras. Las personas que quisiste o creiste hacerlo ahora pasan a ser parte de tus recuerdos, y todos esos ‘te quiero’, ‘sos el amor de mi vida’, te das cuenta que no son cierto. ¿A cuantos se los dijiste y pensaste que era la persona indicada? Si, fueron muchos quizas, y si, te equivocaste.
Porque el dia de hoy te diste cuenta de que esa persona que creiste querer, ya no esta, que la persona que pensabas que era el amor de tu vida, ya ni siquiera se te cruza por la cabeza. Y es que las personas cambian, el tiempo avanza, los sentimientos varian y cada dia, con cada cosa que te pasa aprendes algo, que influye en tu manera de ver la vida.
¿Cuantas veces sentiste que se te venia el mundo abajo porque la persona que creias amar se marchaba de tu vida? ¿Que hiciste? Lloraste, pataleaste, sufriste, te amargaste. Pero el tiempo paso y poco a poco la herida sano. Conociste a otra persona que te devolvio la alegria, la esperanza, la ilusion y ese sentimiento que tanto querias enterrar, renacio. Volviste a sentirte con vida, volviste a creer en el amor. Pero ya no era la misma persona, era otra. Y pudiste decir de nuevo, ‘te quiero mi amor’. ¡Como es de ironica la vida! Muchas veces nos tropezamos y nos golpeamos tan fuerte que quedamos inconscientes. Pensamos que ya nada tiene sentido, el motor de vida se apaga, te viene el desgano, la bronca, la impotencia, la desilusion y la decepcion. Juras no volverte a enamorar. Empiezas a desconfiar, empiezas por jugar y pasarla bien, pero luego la ruleta de la vida te pone a otra persona que te devuelve todo aquello que te quitaron tiempo atras y el ciclo se repite.
You spend your nights alone and she never comes home; and every time you call her, all you get's a busy tone. I heard you found out, that she's doing to you what you did to me, ain't that the way it goes?
You cheated, boy. My heart bleeds, boy. So it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt. Just a classic case, a scenario, tale as old as time. Boy, you got what you deserved. And now you want somebody to cure the lonely nights, you wish you had somebody that could come and make it right. But, boy, I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy. You'll see:
What goes around, comes back around.
Hey boy, is she everything you wanted in a woman? You know I gave you everything, you had me in the palm of your hand, so why your love went away? I just can't seem to understand, thought it was me and you, baby. Me and you until the end, but I guess I was wrong.
Don't want to think about it, don't want to talk about it, I'm just so sick about it, can't believe it's ending this way. Just so confused about it, feeling the blues about it. I just can't do without you.
Tell me is this fair?
Is this the way it's really going down? Is this how we say goodbye? Should've known better when you came around, that you were gonna make me cry. It's breaking my heart to watch you run around, because I know that you're living a lie, that's okay baby, because in time you will find:
What goes around, goes around, goes around;
comes all the way back around.
What goes around, goes around, goes around;
comes all the way back around.
What goes around, goes around, goes around;
comes all the way back around.
What goes around, goes around, goes around;
comes all the way back around.
I woke up early this morning with the moon shining bright as headlights on the interstate. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to catch some sleep, but thoughts of us kept keeping me awake.
Ever since you found yourself in someone else's arms, I've been trying my best to get along, but that's okay there's nothing left to say but:
Take your records, take your freedom. Take your memories, I don't need them. Take your space and take your reasons, but you'll think of me. And take your cats and leave my sweater, because we have nothing left to weather. In fact I'll feel a whole lot better, but you'll think of me, you'll think of me.
Someday I'm gonna run across your mind. Don't worry, I'll be fine, I'm gonna be alright. While you're sleeping with your pride, wishing I could hold you tight, I'll be over you and on with my life.
Take your records, take your freedom. Take your memories, I don't need them. Take your space and all your reasons, but you'll think of me. And take your cats and leave my sweater, because we've got nothing left to weather. In fact I'll feel a whole lot better, but you'll think of me, you'll think of me.
Te amo
mas que a un nuevo mundo, mas que a un dia perfecto,
mas que a un viejo amigo, mas que a un largo suenio,
mas que a la balada de un ninio cantando,
mas que a mi musica, mas que a mis anios,
mas que a mis tristezas, mas que a mis quehaceres,
mas que a mis impulsos, mas que a mis placeres,
mas que a nuestro beso primero,
mas aun que esto te amo