Feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes. You make me crazier, crazier, crazier
There's a time when a woman needs to fight, and a time when she needs to accept that her destiny is lost... the ship has sailed and only a fool would continue.
Truth is... I've always been a fool.
You're off the hook. I've never had much faith in that whole "if you love someone, set them free" crap, as evidenced by everything I've done in my life up until this very moment, but I am determined to be happy, happy in this life. And I love you, I have always, always loved you, but our timing has just never been right. And the way I figure it, time is no nobody's friend. Well, I have to get right with that and be happy now. Because this is it, this is all we got.
I also want for you to be happy. So I want you to be with someone who can be a part of the life that you want for yourself. I want you to be with someone who makes you feel the way I feel when I'm with you. So, I guess the point of this is that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me. So you're off the hook.
A soul mate it's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soul mate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love her. Nothing can ever change that
Creci con una persona al lado, que nunca podria olvidarla y en tantas ocasiones de mi vida aparece su nombre, como su cara en varias de mis fotos. A donde sea que yo valla, va conmigo. Nuestras union es tan grande, hay parte de ella en mi y me siento orgullosa de tenerla conmigo.
Quiero agradecerle por ayudarme a ser lo que soy, por no soltarme la mano, por haberme sacado cada dia una sonrisa, por dejarme tantos recuerdos como historias vividas. Decirle que nadie reemplazara el lugar que ocupa, aconsejando, divirtiendo, escuchando, siendo ella en todo momento.
Gracias por enseñarme que nunca deje de hacer algo por mas complicado que sea, que nunca me olvide de vivir. Que sueñe en grande y no permita que la vida me pase por adelante. Que no le tema a los recuerdos,
que siempre lleve conmigo a esa mujer hermosa que conoci al nacer, que la vida me dio y que me va a cuidar siempre