She stared at him, knowing with certainty that she was falling in love. She pulled him close and kissed him beneath a blanket of stars, wondering how on earth she'd been lucky enough to find him.
I'll never let you find me, I'm leaving you behind with the past and I won't look back.
And I don't want to hear your reasons, don't want to hear you tell me why I should stay.
Try, try to understand me, try to understand what I say when I say I can't stay and I'm moving on from this place, leaving and I won't wait, I'm running away.
Sometimes 'goodbye' is a painful way to say 'I love you'.
When you're young you have this image of your life, that you'd be scrupulous and one day even make a wife, and you make boundaries you'd never dream to cross and if it happen to you wake completely lost. But I will fight for you, be sure that I will fight until we're the special two once again.
And we will only need each other, we'll bleed together, our hands will not be taught to hold anothers when we're the special two. And we can only see each other, we'll bleed together, these arms will not be taught to need another when we're the special two.
I remember someone old once said to me that lies will lock you up with truth the only key, but I was comfortable and warm inside my shell and couldn't see this place would soon become my hell. So is it better to tell and hurt or lie to save my face? Well I guess the answer is 'don't do it in the first place'. I know I'm not deserving of your trust from you right now, but if I have a chance to change your mind, you know I will not let you down, because we were the special two and we'll be again.
And we will only need each other, we'll bleed together, our hands will not be taught to hold anothers when we're the special two. And we can only see each other, we'll bleed together, these arms will not be taught to need anothers when we're the special two.