I almost stopped there, knowing that if I kept the words inside me, the magic moment would go and I could get away without expressing my true feeling. 'You have no idea how much the last few days have meant to me', I began. 'Meeting you has been the best thing that's ever happened to me'. I hesitated, knowing that if I stopped now, I'd never be able to say it to anyone. 'I love you', I whispered. I had always imagined it would cost too much to say those two words together, but it was not. In my whole life had been more sure of my words, and although I hoped someday I could hear from Savannah the same words, what mattered most was knowing that love was mine to give, without strings or expectations.
'Did you ever imagine something like this?', she wondered aloud. 'You and me, I mean?'.
'No', I said.
'It scared me a little'. My stomach flipped, and all at once, I was sure she didn't feel the same way. 'You don't have to say it back to me', I began, 'That's not what I said it -'
'I know', she interrupted. 'You don't understand, I wasn't scared because you told me, I got scared because I wanted to say it too, I love you, John'.
Nadie sabe lo que hace mientras actua correctamente, pero de lo que esta mal uno siempre es consciente.
Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy. Thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever. But most of all, thank you for showing me that there will come a time when I can eventually let you go.
+ Your mother and I want you to know that you were right not to give up on your gift, is who you are and is who your mother is, and we should never.. I should never deny that again.
- We call it a gift for a reason. It allows us to be able to help people in ways that other can't and we have to respect that, learn from it, take care of it and never hide it from each other again, okay? Deal?
* Deal.
+ Good night, sweetie.
- I meant what I said, you know. You were my hero tonight.
* Just like you are, mom, everyday.
The saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all.
Estoy harta de intentar demostrarle a todo el mundo lo que valgo. Se lo que puedo hacer, se de lo que soy capaz, asique no pienso matarme intentando hacerte cambiar de opinion. Pero quiero que tengas en cuenta una cosa: Cuando vuelvas la vista atras y extraΓ±es lo que podriamos haber tenido... acordate que fuiste vos. La decision fue tuya.
Yo estaba dispuesta a correr el riesgo y meterme de lleno en esto. Sos vos el que te das por vencido.
I would rather be standing outside in the freezing cold with you..
than be warm in the arms of someone else.
I learned my lesson from him. People hurt you. People can hurt you more than pain can itself. He hurt me more than any injury I ever had, those wounds were temporary. They left a mark on my skin, but not on my heart. I loved him and he left, and took my heart with him. That pain wasn't temporary, it didn't leave a mark, but it certainly never left my mind. It's permanent in my heart.
I forgive him for leaving. It's his life, he can do whatever he wants with it, even if it means hurting other people along the way. That's what life is. We try to be good, but we destroy others, sometimes without even knowing.
I forgive him, but I can't forget what he did to me.
You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by.
It's actions, not words, that matters.
All right. You know what? I get it. You've got faith. That's - hey, good for you! I'm sure it makes things easier. I'll tell you who else had faith like that: My gradma. She used to tell me, when she tucked me in, that angels were watching over us, but she was wrong. There was nothing protecting her. There's no higher power, there's no God. I mean, there's just chaos, and violence, and random unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds.
So, you want me to believe in this stuff? I'm going to need to see some really hard proof. You got any?
Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do, give up? Quit? No.
I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure you still alive, because you are.
And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.
Women change for one of two reasons:
They have learned a lot or they have been hurt too many times.
That's the thing about love, everytime you give a guy your heart, there's a chance he'll give it back to you in pieces.
'I've changed so much as a person since I met Ellen. I used to think that the way to be strong was to be tough, I used to think that to be independent was to not need anyone, but she's taught me that the more vulnerable you are and the softer you are and the more you allow people into your life and into your heart, the happier you are and the more valuable you are to other people.
Ellen has completely change the way I look at life, she's make me not worry about what other people think; well I still working on that, I have to be honest; but she's taught me that who I am is perfectly good enough and I don't have to pretend to be anything other than who I am. And that's been the most incredible gift that she's given me, than anyone could give to anybody that they love'.

Portia De Rossi.
Darling, don't you cry tonight. The moon is full and the world is right. I have loved more than my share, took the pain and called it fair. So I'm gonna lay down all my fears, my highway blues and my rambling tears, they can shout it down the line. I can't take what was not mine.
Being a leader is like being a lady, if you have to go around telling people you are one, you aren't.
Heartbreak brings us immense pain and suffering, but in reality we must realize that it brings us one step closer to the one we are destined to be with.
How would you know if he really loves you?
It's when you scream, he's calm.
When you slap him, he kisses you.
When you cry, he hugs you.
When you tell him that you hate him, he tells you he loves you.
All my life I've been a coward, running away from the things that I wanted, but I'm done running.
The thing is I was gonna stand here and talk about lost. All of the sudden it feels wrong to talk about lost. All of the sudden I wanna talk about what I gain, what she leave me with. I'm not a person who's lost. I'm a winner, because she was here, she was with me, she loved me and I loved her. I am better for having known her.
Where's the lost in that?
You know what it's like getting up every morning? Feeling hopeless, feeling like the love of your life is waking up with the wrong woman.
But, at the same time, hoping that he still finds happiness, even if it's never going to be with you.
A break up is like a broken mirror. It's better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it.
Before you echo 'amen' in your home and place of worship, think and remember a child is listening.
How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on? When in your heart, you begin to understand, there is no going back. There are some things that time cannot mend, some hurts that go too deep... that have taken hold.
Sometimes I wonder... Will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other?
Then I look around and I realize...
God left this place a long time ago.
All you can do in life is try your hardest, if you still can't please them, then they're not worth having in your life.
P: What, Griffin? What are you doing here? Just go, please.
G: I have to say something and it's important, listen to me.
Never listen to me. I mean, I want you just try to forget all that crap I used to tell you, specially all that stuff I told you at the beach; I was wrong about all that.
I was talking to this idiot the other day and, as he look back at me from the mirror, I realize I was right about one thing. There is a answer, and the answer is being with you. I love you, for better or worse. And this time that we have, this could be part of the better part, because we'll be together. And that way, everything, even this, is better. Good even. I wanna stay here, I don't wanna be anywhere you aren't.
I missed you.
P: I missed you.
G: So, now are you gonna let me stay?
P: Of course I'm gonna let you stay. I want you to stay, I always wanted you to stay. What do you think I wanted?
G: Okey, then I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay here.
He's the kind of guy who used to do stupid things just to make me smile. I'm the kind of girl who needs a guy like him every once in a while.
Nothing is perfect... the sooner you accept it, the happier you'll be.
I believe we write our own stories. And each time we think we know the end - we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, the world of chance, and in peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all. You know, life's funny that way. Once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong.
I act like shit don't phase me, inside it drives me crazy!
My insecurities could eat me alive.
If you're talking behind my back, you're in a good position to kiss my ass.
The hardest part about moving forward is not looking back.
Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned.
- Do you remember what you said about your mom? That you didn't want her to know you were here, because she wouldn't be able to let go? You're the one who can't let go and you have to. It's not fair for me to keep you here.
+ You're not keeping me here, I'm keeping me here.
- Well, then it's not fair for me to make you stay.
+ Melinda, why we won't be together if we can?
- Because we're not together, we can't be, not in the real world.
+ But in our world. Isn't this better than never seeing each other again?
- Total naked truth? I'll be happy never leaving this house again if I could be with you, alive or dead, but you have a journey to take and so do I. We're just can't be together right now. It's our fork in the road until we meet again, over on your side.
+ My road, my journey is with you, it is you, that's always been that way. That was the choice I made and I can't let it go just because I'm dead. That's a sentence you don't hear saying yourself every day.
- I don't want you to come here anymore. It hurts us both, you know? And it's wrong, so if you love me, you just do the right thing and cross over.
+ You don't believe that.
- Yes, I do. Please, don't make this any harder than already is. You know what you have to do. I'll be with you again, and it won't see like such a long time, I promise.
When your heart gets broken, you sort of see the cracks in everything.
Hate is a four letter word..

..Love is a four letter lie
I've made a lot of mistakes and nobody knows that more than you do, but the biggest mistake I ever made was letting you go. What I should have done was realize that being with you made me the luckiest girl on the planet. What I should have done was treat you with respect. I should've done a lot of things I didn't do, and I didn't do them, because I was afraid, I was scared.
Ben: When I was in home growing up, my father had this amazing hability to always let me down in the exact most important moments. I mean it was incredible, little times like baseball games, you know, he said he'd be there, so I tried really hard, but of course he never went, he forgot. Birthday parties, my high school graduation, he didn't show up. There were other things too, he get angry sometimes. I must be really dense, because it took me forever to realize he's like a raging alcoholic, he broked things, hit things and he hit us.
My whole life I spent trying to figured out what I was doing to make him that way. Like what mistake was I'm making, how did I somehow hurted him to make him act that way.
Anyway, it's weird, living here, being away, you know. All of the sudden I have this distance from that madness. And the one thing I can see know, that I can never see before is that it wasn't me, it wasn't me. I'm not the reason he drink. I'm not the reason he get mad and hurt me and hurt my mom.

It was him. It wasn't me, It was him. I just wanted to tell you that.
It's amazing how we blame ourselfs. Probably just human nature to try to make sense of things, random things. I think the scariest part is realizing that sometimes bad things just happen, no reason, no purpose.
They just occur and we're left to pick up the pieces. I guess that's what we're all doing all the time, just picking up the pieces the best we can.
She stared at him, knowing with certainty that she was falling in love. She pulled him close and kissed him beneath a blanket of stars, wondering how on earth she'd been lucky enough to find him.
I'll never let you find me, I'm leaving you behind with the past and I won't look back.
And I don't want to hear your reasons, don't want to hear you tell me why I should stay.
Try, try to understand me, try to understand what I say when I say I can't stay and I'm moving on from this place, leaving and I won't wait, I'm running away.
Sometimes 'goodbye' is a painful way to say 'I love you'.
When you're young you have this image of your life, that you'd be scrupulous and one day even make a wife, and you make boundaries you'd never dream to cross and if it happen to you wake completely lost. But I will fight for you, be sure that I will fight until we're the special two once again.
And we will only need each other, we'll bleed together, our hands will not be taught to hold anothers when we're the special two. And we can only see each other, we'll bleed together, these arms will not be taught to need another when we're the special two.
I remember someone old once said to me that lies will lock you up with truth the only key, but I was comfortable and warm inside my shell and couldn't see this place would soon become my hell. So is it better to tell and hurt or lie to save my face? Well I guess the answer is 'don't do it in the first place'. I know I'm not deserving of your trust from you right now, but if I have a chance to change your mind, you know I will not let you down, because we were the special two and we'll be again.
And we will only need each other, we'll bleed together, our hands will not be taught to hold anothers when we're the special two. And we can only see each other, we'll bleed together, these arms will not be taught to need anothers when we're the special two.
Before we met, I was as lost as a person could be and yet you saw something in me that somehow gave me direction again.
Sometimes the person you want the most in the world is the person your better off without.
The funny thing about technnical errors is that you can usually figure out exactly what caused the problem and fix everything up as good as new, I wish the same was true for human errors. Would not be great if when we really screw up, we can figure out exactly what made us act like a jackass in a first place and repair the damage?
Of course, we all be better off if you could avoid making stupid choices in the first place. Think a minute, think about the collateral damage for causing in somebody else's life.

As it is, all we have is 'I'm sorry' and believe me,
I am.
Lately I've been noticing I say the same things she used to say and I even find myself acting the very same way. When I look in the mirror, she's right there in my eyes staring back at me. And I realize the older I get the more I can see how much she loved my dad and my sister and me, and she did the best that she could and I only hope when I have my own family that everyday I see a little more of my mom in me.
There were times I thought she was being just a little bit hard on me, but now I understand she was making me become the woman she knew that I could be. In everything she ever did she always did it with love and I'm proud today to say I'm her daughter
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exists.
'Do you love me?' I asked her.
She smiled. 'Yes.'
'Do you want me to be happy?'
As I asked her this I felt my heart beginning to reace.
'Of course I do.'
'Will you do something for me then?'
She looked away, sadness crossing her features. 'I don't know if I can anymore'. She said.
'But if you could, would you?' I cannot adequately describe the intensity of what I was feeling at that moment: love, anger, sadness, hope and fear.
Jamie looked at me curiously. Suddenly I knew that I'd never felt as strongly for another person as I did at that moment. As I returned her gaze, this simple realization made me wish for the millionth time that I could make all this go away. Had it been possible, I would have traded my life for hers. I wanted to tell her my thoughts, but the sound of her voice suddenly silenced the emotions inside me.
'Yes' she finally said, her voice weak yet somehow still full of promise. 'I would'.
Finally getting control of myself I kissed her again, then brot my hand to her face, gently running my fingers over her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin, the gentleness I saw in her eyes. Even now she was perfect. My throat began to tighten again, but as I said, I knew what I had to do. Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I wanted to do was give her something that she'd wanted. It was what my heart had been telling me to do all along.
I smiled softly, and she returned my affection with a slight squeeze of my hand, as if trusting me in what I was about to do. Encouraged, I leaned closer and took a deep breath. When I exhaled, these were the words that flowed with my breath.
'Will you marry me?'
I finally understood what true love means. Love means that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.
And it's not just a game, you can't throw me away, I put all I had on the line and I give and you take. And I played the high stakes, I've won and I've lost, but I'm fine.
Hear me say I'll rise up 'til the end, hear me say I'll stand up for my friends and I crash to the ground and it's just my own sound, I drop in the blink of an eye, I'm colorblind.
Hear me say I'll see the sky again, hear me say I'll die for you my friend. There's a noise in the crowd, but it's just my own shout. I stumble, I fall and I pray.
Hear you say your eyes see green again, in the end we'll lift our golden hands. Yes, we'll spark, you and I, we'll be colorblind and these are the lives we gave.
Hear me say I'll rise up 'til the end, hear me say that I'll stand beside my friends. I won't stay on the floor, I will settle the score. I'll stumble, I'll fall and I'll pray.
Hear me say it's time we stopped our hate. Eye to eye we see a different fate. Yes, we've conquered the war with love at the core.
I stumble, I fall, but I'll stay.